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Club Management


Gosforth Bowling Club (GBC) is managed by the Management Committee, thereafter referred to as MC.

Members can be nominate for election to the MC at an AGM, or they can be co-opted to the MC by the MC. Co-opted MC members must be endorsed by club members at the next available AGM.



Subscriptions are due annually by 1st May.

The treasurer will be present on Opening Day of the season to receive subscriptions.

Subscriptions can also be paid to Brian Duell, the assistant treasurer or a member of the committee.

Cash or cheque is acceptable, as is a bank transfer (details below). Cheques should be made payable to Gosforth Bowling Club.


Bank details:   

Name:  Gosforth Bowling Club

Account Number 37036568

Sort Code 30-93-55


Instalments and Direct Debit

Please contact the treasurer, Mrs Norma Povey for details on these methods of payment:

Tel 0191 2365456




Members wishing to book rinks to play ties such as national, county or internal, must enter the tie in the Rink Book situated in the clubhouse. Please do this well in advance to enable the green keeper to be aware of your requirement and program his green maintenance accordingly.

It is also very important that members adhere to the Rink Chart displayed in the clubhouse and the window of the committee room.

If a member wishes to play a tie on a particular rink or on a particular setting on that rink, then that member must get permission from the green rangers, Brian Duell or Steve Pallas..

Please do not alter the rink settings without consulting the green rangers.


Social Events usually are:


Christmas Party

Annual Dinner

Other Ad hoc events may be arranged by the MC, or by members.



Insurance is a significant annual cost for GBC, as it is for many bowling clubs.

Our games program includes league and friendly fixtures, as well as county, centenary and invitation competitions. It is inevitable as a consequence of this that we have no real control over people who enter the premises including the Lady’s and Men’s locker rooms.

While the number of incidences of items go missing have been very small, the Management Committee (MC) decided in 2012 that due the cost of insurance the club could no longer take responsibility for items going missing from locker rooms or club premises.

The MC accordingly recommends that members, who are concerned, should take out their own insurance to cover items of bowling equipment and any other items of value.



A defibrillator is situated outside the Tennis club club house,  see photo below. There is a notice in the Clubhouse instructing in the use of the apparatus. In the event of an emergency call 999 and the operator will give you more instructions in accessing and using the apparatus.



Free 2 hours parking in the street outside the club on the church side of the road.

Metered parking in the street outside the club on the club side of the road. 

Half-day permits are available at £1 from Brian Duell, Elspeth Bennett or Mike Povey.

Free unrestricted parking a short walk away from the club in Brackenfield Road and beyond.

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